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I don’t know about you but I’m KILLING it this year! Normally, when I do my halfway-through-the-year goals check-in I’m not feeling too great. But this year is completely different for me. I have been focusing on a good routine that works for me and my kids’ schedules. I’m excited to check in and recap my 2024 goals and you can see just how well I’m doing. I hope it inspires you to take a look at your goals for the year and see what needs improvement and what you are crushing!

Disclaimer: In the name of full transparency, please be aware that this blog post contains affiliate links and any purchases made through such links will result in a small commission for me (at no extra cost to you).

2024 Goals Check-In Pin

Goals Check-In One: Read 125 Books

This goal was a little ambitious for me and I was kind of nervous to see where I would be at for this goals check-in. Turns out I have read 62 books so far this year and, according to Goodreads, I am two books ahead of schedule. I’m so proud of myself because reading is something I do for myself. It is my favorite hobby. I love curling up on the couch at naptime and reading.

I have decided to share my top 5 books that I have read this year and would recommend you check out (just click the title to see the Amazon link):

  1. Good Girls Don’t Die by Christina Henry
  2. Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah
  3. The Women by Kristin Hannah
  4. Listen For The Lie by Amy Tintera
  5. A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder by Holly Jackson

Don’t forget to follow me on Goodreads if you want to stay updated on my reading journey and my book reviews:

Goodreads Goal

Goals Check-In Two: Publish 27 Blog Posts

This may not sound like a lot of blog posts to some bloggers but I struggle to publish my posts. This year I have published 21 blog posts (including this one). This is quite an accomplishment for me because last year I only published 19 blog posts in total. I have found a rhythm with my blogging and I created a structured routine for myself which has kept me on track to not only accomplishing this goal but to blow right past it. I’m pushing myself to publish 35 blog posts, rather than the 27 I originally planned.

Here are my top 5 blog posts of this year:

2024 Goals Check-In

Goal Three: Schedule All Doctor Appointments

One of my goals for 2024 was to get all the doctor appointments scheduled. The appointments I’m referring to are a General Practitioner, a Gynecologist, a dentist, and a dermatologist. So far this year I have already had my appointments with the GP and the Dentist. I have my appointment for the GYNO coming up in September and I just need to find a Dermatologist. Then I’m all set with accomplishing this goal. I’m very confident about completing this goal too.

Goal Four: Plan and Go On A Family Vacation

This one I’m very happy to say we accomplished! We went on a family vacation with Luke’s family to Virginia. It was such a great experience for the kids. They loved going to Busch Gardens, Colonial Williamsburg, and spending a day at Virginia Beach. Luke also enjoyed spending time with his family that lives out there.

If you want to read more about our family vacation to Williamsburg, check out my little recap of the trip: Our Great Family Vacation in Williamsburg, Virginia

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Goal Five: Start a Garden

I have been saying for YEARS that I want a little garden to grow some vegetables. I finally got my butt off the couch and made a little area in the backyard to grow some plants. The older boys and I had to chop down some dead stumps and Luke tilled the ground for me. We made just enough room for some plants. Then the kids and I set off the Home Depot to purchase some already planted vegetables. We chose two tomato plants, two mini pepper plants (one orange and one yellow), a jalapeno plant, a cucumber plant, a strawberry plant, and a zucchini plant.

I wanted to start small because I can sometimes make big plans and then get overwhelmed with all the work. The kids love checking out the garden to see how everything is growing. Our strawberries are starting to come in! I’m so glad I finally accomplished this goal!

Garden Right After Planting
Our Little Strawberries Coming In!

Final Thoughts

2024 is shaping up to be the year I crush all my goals. I have a few things I need to work on to help me finish my goals. I can’t wait until December when I can tell you all that I accomplished every goal. Thanks for reading my 2024 goals check-in. I hope this inspires you to check in with your goals or create goals for the last six months of the year. It’s never too late to start a new goal

If you have a moment let me know in the comments below how your goals are going. You can tell me what you need to work on or what goal you’re currently crushing. I love hearing from all of you.

Lastly, if you found this at all interesting or inspiring please share this on your socials. I greatly appreciate all the love and support.

Thanks for reading,


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11 thoughts on “2024 Goals Check-In: Halfway Through the Year and Killing it!

  1. A half-way through the year goal check-in…what a great idea! I need to review my New Year’s resolutions to see where I need to work hard and get back on track!

    1. Yes! It’s one of my favorite things to do in the end of June. I love seeing how much I’m progressing (or not). Check in with your resolutions and make some course corrections. You still have half a year left to accomplish your goals!

  2. You’re doing great with your 2024 goals! Your garden looks fantastic. Once you start gardening you will be addicted and probably want to expand it regularly – at least that’s what happens to me. With your progress, you will have no problem finishing all of these goals by the end of the year.

    1. Thanks and I believe it! I’m loving checking in on my garden every morning. It definitely motivates me to get out of bed earlier. I’m so excited for the vegetables to come in.

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