Can you believe that in less than 10 weeks I will give birth to my fourth baby?! No, me too! It seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant. Time really does fly when you’re having fun (or when you’re a Mom of three and your days are packed!) Since Baby 4 is coming soon I decided to write a little bumpdate on how this pregnancy is going.
Some of you might be thinking, “What is a ‘bumpdate’?” and basically a bumpdate is an update on the pregnancy. Usually, you include how big the baby is and random answers to people’s questions. I wrote a pregnancy update when I was pregnant with Vivian so I thought I’d do one for Baby 4 too.

Here’s my pregnancy update when I was pregnant with Vivian if you want to check it out: Pregnancy Update: 28 Weeks
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Bumpdate on Baby

At 30 weeks Baby 4 is roughly the size of a cantaloupe. It is about 16 inches long and weighs about 3 and a half pounds. Baby 4 will gain about half a pound a week until it is born. Most babies at this point will start to make their way to the “head down” position. Baby 4’s eyes are still developing and while its eyesight is poor it will continue to get better until it is born. Only 10 weeks left! We can’t wait to hold them and love them.
Shop Amazon – Create an Amazon Baby RegistryHow am I Feeling?
Lately, I’ve been feeling pretty good. I get very tired easily and can’t seem to sleep through the night. That’s pretty rough but it is just preparing me for when Baby 4 comes. The sciatica pain that I was experiencing a few weeks ago has seemed to go away. I get acid reflux no matter what I eat or drink But TUMS helps relieve that issue. Other than that I would have to admit this is my hardest pregnancy but only because I have three other children with school schedules that need my attention. Honestly, I’m pretty lucky if my worst complaints are tiredness, sciatica pain, and acid reflux.
If you want tips on how I relieve my sciatica pain during pregnancy check out this post: 5 Ways to Relieve Sciatica Pain
Any Cravings?
I feel like this is the second most asked question that I get. I don’t think I get the random mixes of food cravings or craving food that’s out of character for me. Mostly I’ve been craving salsa, ice cream, deep-fried sushi rolls (it’s obviously cooked and not raw!), and apple pie! I always find it very interesting when women crave random foods while they are pregnant.
Did We Find out the Gender?
Now, this is the number one question I get. No, we did not find out the gender. We did this while we were pregnant with Teddy (our second) and when we found out we were pregnant we both agreed to wait. I can honestly say I have no idea what gender Baby 4 is. I love hearing people’s guesses based on random things. For example, we have some people who took one look at the ultrasound photos and said, “Boy!” and then we have others who say that based on how long I had morning sickness foe that it must be a girl.
I do think it’s a girl but only because I feel very similar to how I felt with Vivian. Which could mean it’s a girl or that I just remember Vivian’s pregnancy more than the boys because hers was the most recent. Also, I’ve been having a lot of acne lately and I don’t think I have a “pregnancy glow” which could mean it’s a girl. Luke thinks it’s a boy

Baby Names?
The other morning I had a dream that my water broke and my first thought was “oh no! We don’t even have a name picked out!” That’s where we are at. We have narrowed some of the boys’ names down but we don’t have a final choice. We will probably go into the hospital with four names picked out (2 boys and 2 girls). That’s what we did when we were pregnant with Teddy.
For some reason, girl names are harder for us. I would prefer a name that sounds beautiful and maybe has a nickname to go with it. Luke and I just can’t seem to agree on a few names that we like. We still have at least 9 weeks so I’m not too concerned.
Final Thoughts
This post was probably one of my favorite posts to write so far this year. I love sharing my pregnancy experiences with all of you guys. I’m also very very lucky because my pregnancies are fairly easy and I do enjoy being pregnant. Lastly, I’m really glad I’m sharing this with you all because I have a feeling this will be my last pregnancy and bumpdate. Baby 4, we are so excited to meet you but we can definitely wait 9 more weeks!
In the comments below let me know any predictions you have on Baby 4’s gender or any questions you have about my pregnancy. I’d love to hear from you!
If you want to keep updated on my pregnancy don’t forget to follow me on Instagram:
More Pregnancy Posts
- Why I Make a Registry EVERY Pregnancy!
- My Top 5 Parenting and Pregnancy Books
- 5 Postpartum Essentials You Will Need
- Everything You Need to Pack In Your Hospital Bag
Thanks for Reading!
Exciting! We just had baby #3 6 months ago!
Congratulations! 💚💚
Enjoyed reading this post! I am not in the motherhood phase of my life, but that is what I love about blogs and social media. You can get a glimpse into what your next phase looks like! Wishing you and your family well!
Congratulations and enjoy your last pregnancy! It’s a bittersweet experience, but I’m sure you will be enjoying the next few weeks thoroughly. My guess is that you’ll have a boy 🙂
Thank you so much! Only 5 weeks left and I’m really excited. I think boy is a great guess! We will find out soon 💙
Congratulations from Williamsburg Kelly! I think it’s a girl so Viv will have a buddy!
That’s what I’m hoping for! A best friend for Viv!