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IT’S 2023 BABY! Can you believe it? I feel like 2022 just started yesterday but here we are starting a new year. Do you know what a new year means to me? It means creating new reading challenges for myself. One thing I want to challenge myself to read this year is different genres than I’m used to. I tend to lean towards the same genre of books, and I really want to diversify my reading in 2023.

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One of the things I hope to accomplish with this blog post is to get more people to join me in reading different genres. Maybe you are like me, and you read a lot of books in a year, but the genre of those books is the same. If you feel that way and want to join me in this reading challenge (or see what books I choose) please follow me on Instagram: I will post the books I’m reading in correlation to the genre choice of that month at the beginning of that month.

Monthly Genre Reading Challenge Pin
Monthly Genre Reading Challenge Pin

Genres I Love Reading

You know what is so amazing about the world we live in? There are dozens of genres and sub-genres of books. Any person can find at least 10 that they will lean towards reading. So even if you aren’t a big reader, you probably have at least one type of books you like to read. I personally like these genres: Chick- Lit, Romance, and Contemporary Fiction.

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Personally, I love any book with a little bit of drama, strong female characters, and a little bit of romance as the cherry on top. I find that I don’t lean towards books with male narrators or from the male perspective only. I don’t mind reading from the male POV (Point of View) in books with multiple character POVs. Now that I’ve written this, I think I’m going to actively seek out a few books this year from the male perspective.

2023 Monthly Genre Reading Challenge
2023 Monthly Genre Reading Challenge

Genres I Tend to Avoid

Just like I would avoid certain foods I do NOT enjoy (I’m looking at you baked beans, tuna, and cherry tomatoes!) there are quite a few genres that I avoid. Here are a few that I don’t particularly enjoy: Self-help (it’s like reading a textbook), Fantasy, Science Fiction, Young Adult, and History.

Now even though I’m not the biggest fan of these I’m willing to give them another try. Sometimes in life you need to try old things to either remember why you don’t like it or to find that now you do. Just like food!

There are, of course, many genres I haven’t really read or even thought about. I’ve added a few of those to my list because I don’t actively avoid them, I just forgot that they existed. Those are: Poetry, Humor, and Short Stories.

The other genre of books on my reading challenge fit perfectly with their corresponding month that it just makes sense to read that genre that month. For example: Romance in February and Thriller in October.

2023 Monthly Genre Reading Challenge

  • January- Self-Help
  • February- Romance
  • March- Science Fiction
  • April- Young Adult
  • May- History
  • June- Poetry
  • July- Book One of a Series
  • August- Short Stories
  • September- Humor
  • October- Thriller
  • November- Memoir
  • December- Holiday Themed
2023 Genre Reading Challenge Graphic
2023 Monthly Breakdown

Final Thoughts

There are definitely some genres I’m excited to read this year thanks to my 2023 monthly genre reading challenge. I’m really looking forward to starting a new series because it has been a while since I really read a series book. Also, the poetry sounds so interesting because it’s not a genre I’ve read since I left school, but it sounds like it might be interesting. Which ones are you excited to read?

I’m very excited to start this challenge and I hope you join me! Whether you choose to read the same books I do or a different book from the same genre, let me know. Also, if you know a book you loved from one of these genres let me know in the comments below. I’ll check it out and it might be the book I choose for that month.

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram ( or subscribe to my newsletter to find out which books I’m reading.

The January genre is self-help, and my choice is: Stop Overthinking: 23 Techniques to Relieve Stress, Stop Negative Spirals, Declutter Your Mind, and Focus on the Present (link below)

Come back next week to read about my 2023 goals, not just the reading goals!

Thank you for reading,


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9 thoughts on “2023 Monthly Genre Reading Challenge

  1. A Monthly Genre Reading Challenge is a really unique way to do a reading challenge for the year and one I’ve never seen before! I tend to stay with what I know for books too, so this would really push me. I’m excited to follow along with you on this challenge for the year!

  2. I love your suggestion and it helps to mix it up a little especially because we get to try out books that we don’t usually read. I rely on Goodreads for suggestions as well as my bookclub. One of my favorite romantic comedy series is by Mia Sosa. I laughed A LOT!

  3. This looks like a great challenge and I have a similar taste in reading than you. This is a great way to read a diverse set of books, thanks for sharing!

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