Hello, fellow breastfeeding/pumping Mama! How are you feeling during this formula shortage? In all honesty, I wasn’t sure I would fully breastfeed my 4th baby. Sure, I had goals and ideas about making it work but I also knew I could use formula if I wanted. Then of course the shortage changed that. I was pumping a lot the first few weeks because Luke was home and also Cooper wasn’t getting the hang of breastfeeding. I was worried that my milk supply would dwindle or I was dry up.
Luckily I had the tools from my other breastfeeding journies (one was exclusively pumping) to help make sure my milk supply would sustain. Now, I’m exclusively breastfeeding and while we do use formula sometimes I’m not worried about the shortage. Hopefully, these tips help you to bring up your milk supply, and hopefully, the formula shortage is over soon.
Disclaimer: In the name of full transparency, please be aware that this blog post contains affiliate links and any purchases made through such links will result in a small commission for me (at no extra cost for you)

Milk Supply Tip One: Increase Water Intake
Who here struggles with drinking all their water intake for a day? Oh, you do! That’s awesome because I do too! I swear I just started getting really good at completing 80 ounces of water a day. Now that I’m breastfeeding I need to up the number to 100 ounces a day. Why 100 you might be asking? Well, breastmilk is 88 percent water. That’s right, 88 PERCENT water! How can you expect to fill a bottle of milk with 88 percent water but you aren’t drinking water? This fact is so important and eye-opening that I made it a quote:
Breastmilk is 88 percent water. Every time a mother breastfeeds, she gives her baby water through her breastmilk
Exclusive Breastfeeding – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Rehydration Project (rehydrate.org)
Now I’m sure you’re probably wondering how to up your water intake. Here are a few things I do that help me finish 100 ounces a day: I always have a big tumbler full of water that sits next to me while I feed/pump, and I drink at least one full drink of water in the morning while my coffee is filling up, and I have an app that reminds me to drink water. You can either use these tips or find what works for you!
This is similar to the bottle that I usually have next to me while I’m feeding or pumping:
Milk Supply Tip Two: Mother’s Milk Tea
If you are a breastfeeding Mama or you are pregnant you have probably heard of this tea. Well, I’m going to be really honest with you but this tea isn’t the best-tasting tea in the world but I wouldn’t suggest you try it if it didn’t work. The trick (that I just found out recently) is to add some honey to the tea. It makes it taste a MILLION times better! I would say I have this Mother’s Milk Tea at least once a week. I would suggest you try one box of it, use the honey, and see how it works for you.
Tip Three: Oatmeal Cookies
Oats have been known to have a fiber called Beta-glucan that is thought to raise the amount of breastmilk. Does it work? I have no concrete evidence but boy do I love any excuse to have oatmeal cookies. My personal favorite is the oatmeal cranberry cookies found at Aldi. They are delicious and we usually have them in our house at one time. If you aren’t a fan of oatmeal cookies, I would suggest having oatmeal for breakfast. It’s the little changes you can make to your diet that is going to have a last effect on increasing your milk supply.
Looking for more facts about oatmeal and breastfeeding check out: https://www.verywellfamily.com/oats-oatmeal-and-breastfeeding-431850
Related Posts to Check Out:
- Why I Make a Registry EVERY Pregnancy!
- My Third Trimester Essentials
- 5 Postpartum Essentials You Will Need
- My Top 5 Parenting and Pregnancy Books
Milk Supply Tip Four: Destress!
Does anyone else’s eye twitch a little when you hear non-parent people talk about self-care to parents? They make it sound SO EASY! “Oh, just sleep when the baby sleeps!” or “Take some time for yourself!” Well, that’s great advice but who’s going to do the million other things in this house (for example: watching the other children, cooking dinner, cleaning the house, and watching the latest season of Stranger Things)? So I’m sure when you read this tip “Destress” your eyes rolled.
Yes, I’m very aware of just how stressful the first year with a child can be. There doesn’t seem t be enough hours in a day and then you add the stress of needing to produce milk- WOW! So when I say “destress” I’m using that term very loosely. Everyone has their own way of relieving stress. Do what works for you but you aren’t going to pour (milk) from an empty cup. Make sure you take some time for yourself. Read a book, take a nap, watch a show/movie, paint your nails, or use a face mask. You know what works for you!
Milk Supply Tip Five: Smell the Baby
I’m sure you are reading this right now and chuckling to yourself. I know because when I read this tip 6 years ago I didn’t believe it. But it works! You can smell your baby’s head or an article of clothing they wore right before you pump or feed and I swear the milk just comes in. It’s a sort of magical power your body and your baby have. Also, who doesn’t love the smell of babies?! So bring that baby over and give it a good whiff!

Final Thoughts
Now before I finish this post I just want to say for the record I am not a lactation consultant. I do not have ALL the answers to your breastfeeding/pumping questions. I am just listing all the tips that have helped me increase my milk supply. Not everything is going to work for everyone and that’s ok! You find what works for you and roll with it. Now, let me know in the comments what works for you or if you have any questions. I’ll try to answer them all or direct you to a more “informed” source for an answer.
PSA: Please know that formula is not a sign of you being a failure! You are only human and you are not perfect. Sometimes your milk supply dries up or doesn’t come in. The worst thing you can do is beat yourself up. So I’m telling you from the bottom of my soul I’m proud of you. You tried it and look at how far you’ve come. You are the best mother for your children regardless if you breastfeed, pump, or formula feed. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
Thanks for Reading

Great tips! Staying well hydrated is so important for milk supply. I always had a supply of oatmeal and mother’s milk tea on hand too. I love how you ended this post. Ultimately fed is best no matter if it’s breastmilk or formula. Thanks for sharing!
Exactly! Fed is best. It doesn’t matter if it’s breast milk or formula.
These are great tips, never thought about oatmeal cookies when I was breastfeeding, that would have gone down a treat! 🙂 I remember using fennel tea with my little one and wow it was amazing, milk was flowing the minute baby would start whimpering… it was so fast!
That’s awesome! I’ve never heard of that but I definitely want to try it. Almost everyday I have an oatmeal cookie, just for the milk supply, of course!
Great breastfeeding tips. It’s a tough job, especially for first time moms, but this info is fantastic.
This will be appreciated by new mums out there battling with this challenge.
Oh yea! I was that Mom who needed tips. I’m just hoping to help one Mom with the milk supply struggle.
Very helpful tips! This whole process can be hard for new moms. Bookmarking this post!
Thanks! I definitely struggled so I’m happy to give all my advice about it.
Great tips. I did struggle with breastfeeding when I had my daughter 2 years ago and ended of pumping and breastfeeding. Will shares these tips, we have two members in the family who are expecting.
Great tips! I’m due in 2 months and had a low supply with my last baby. I can’t wait to try some of these with our third!
Thanks and good luck!
I’ll be a first time mom next week. Doing a planned c-section, and I’m hoping to breastfeed too! Great post! Am excited to try your tips!
Awesome and congratulations! I hope everything goes smoothly. Just remember that breastfeeding is hard and it might not come easy. That’s ok! A happy baby is a fed baby. If you have any questions or need any advice please let me know.
I’m currently breastfeeding my 6-month-old and I love these tips and can’t wait to try. So helpful. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks! I hope these tips help you out. Thanks for reading!
Excellent tips! I can see how helpful these would be for new moms. This is also a good reminder for me to drink more water every day.