Welcome to part two of my essentials for newborns that I, as a mother of four, think you need in your life. Most of this post is filled with things that will make you think “Well duh! Of course I need that!” but then there are some gems with tips that I included. As a mother of 4 children, I have become some what of an expert at newborns. While I’m not the biggest fan of the newborn stage, I do appreciate all the ways you can make this stage easier.
If you are looking for part one of this series, here’s the link: Amazing Newborn Essentials from a Mother of Four (Pt. 1)
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Health and Safety Needs for Newborns
First Aid Kit: A first aid kit is essential if you have any children. You never know what could happen and it’s nice to know you have the basic needs met when an accident occurs.
Baby Proof Kit: I like this kit because it comes with most of the stuff you need to baby-proof your house. You can always buy more baby-proofing materials if you need them.
Baby Nail Clippers: Oh the dreaded clippers. I hate clipping my newborns’ nails. I usually make my husband do it. It is necessary because nothing is worse than little nails pinching their faces or your skin.
Boogie Wipes: Boogie Wipes are one of the best newborn essentials when it comes to booger care. We tried the Frida nose thing and it was a no-go for me. These wipes have saline in them and they do a great job wiping up any boogers.
Humidifier: This is the best humidifier we have and I love that you can add Vaseline soothers to it.
Ear/Forehead Thermometer: I found a thermometer close to this one at Aldi and it’s been one of my favorites. I love that you can check the temperature with the forehead or the ear. It’s very useful for little newborns and older children.

Sleeping Essentials for Newborns
Pack N Play: We didn’t use a bassinet for our newborns. We used a Pack N-Play with a changing area and a bassinet and it was so nice. For the first few weeks of our newborn’s lives, we loved setting it up in our room. We could change the baby and put them back to sleep in the same area. It was easier for us during the nighttime feedings.
Crib: You might not use the crib the first few weeks but it is wise to make sure that the crib is ready by the time your baby comes. Pick out one with good safety reviews. If you have a small room, you could get one like we did that has a changing table attached.
Sound Machine: My children love the sound machine so much that we downloaded an app to our phones with noises so we could put the kids to sleep when we are out and about. A sound machine helps babies sleep longer and it’s nice to have if you have older children so no one needs to be really quiet when the baby sleeps.
Baby Monitor: This is another essential for newborns that you might think “Of course we need that” but let me tell you that you don’t need the fanciest baby monitor. The one we used was a video one and we could talk through it. You don’t need anything more than that.
Rocking Chair: When we moved into our first home the old owners left a rocking chair. We used that one and it was so nice to just feed or rock our babies in a chair. It was nothing fancy but it got the job done.
Lovey: You might be wondering what a lovey is. A lovey is any kind of blanket or stuffed animal that you can use as a comfort device for your child. Pro Tip: You can put the lovey in your shirt for a few hours and it will smell like you. Then when your baby is near the lovey they will smell you and think you are near.
Wubbanub: If your child likes a pacifier that Wubbanub is where it’s at. Cooper is about to turn 2 and he still loves his. I love how easy it is to find or spot thanks to the little stuffed animal attached to the pacifier.
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- Why I Make a Registry EVERY Pregnancy!
- My First Trimester Essentials
- Second Trimester Essentials
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- 5 Postpartum Essentials You Will Need
Bathroom Essentials
Diapers: Diapers are one of the most important essentials for newborns and they come in a variety of choices. You can do disposable diapers or cloth diapers. I say just start with one brand and see if it works for you. If it doesn’t try another one.
Baby Wipes: This is the same as the diapers but you need to just find ones that work for your newborn. We use the Huggies natural care but I know people who rave about the water wipes. You could also make your own wipes if you want.
Diaper Pail: I love our diaper pail especially when our children were newborns. Those little guys constantly go to the bathroom so it’s easier to have a location to put all the dirty diapers.
Diaper Rash Cream: Your baby is going to get a rash at some point in their life. This is just a fact of life. We used the Honest Company rash cream and it works really well. Desitin is also another brand that works really well.
Baby Shampoo/Wash: One of the nice things about shampoo and wash for infants is that most of the time they are a 2-for-1 kind of was. I love using those for our newborns. Make sure you get a wash that says “tear-free” so that the soap doesn’t hurt your baby’s eyes.
Bathtub: There are many different baby bathtubs our on the market and you can find one that works for you and your house. We used one that had a net you could attach to keep the newborns up higher. We really like that kind of tub but again, find one that works for you.
Hooded Towels: These are amazing! You need a hooded towel to dry the baby off. I have a friend who gives their baby a bath with it on so they stay warm. I have never done that but you can try it.
Washcloths: For washcloths, you want to find really soft ones. A newborn’s skin is still adjusting to the outside world and you don’t want anything harsh against its skin.
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Final Thoughts
Now we have come to the end of my essentials for newborns series and I hope you found this post helpful. When your baby arrives I hope find these things essential for life with a newborn. Congratulations on your baby and remember to reach out to others if you need anything.
If you have any questions or you have any input, let me know in the comments below. Were there things you used that I didn’t list? Was there something I listed that you didn’t use? Do you have any advice for new moms? Let us know in the comments.
I love hearing from all of you and thanks for all the support.
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Thanks for reading

A good list! Now I feel more ready then ever to get baby!