Hello, third trimester! Congratulations, you’ve made it through 2/3 of your pregnancy journey. I would love to say that you’ve been through the worst of it but in my experience the last 12 weeks are… A LOT! There’s back pain, sleepless nights, heartburn, and so many other lovely symptoms. I’m sure you just read those and thought, “How am I going to get through these next 12 weeks?” Well, I’m here to give you my list of third-trimester essentials I used to help navigate me to the finish line of pregnancy.
The list below is in no specific order and they are all useful essentials.
Disclaimer: In the name of full transparency, please be aware that this blog post contains affiliate links and any purchases made through such links will result in a small commission for me (at no extra cost for you)

1. Tums
You know how I just said that there wasn’t any specific order to this list. Well, Tums is first on my list for a very specific reason: these are a lifesaver. I pop these like candy all day, every day! I’ve had indigestion with Baby 4 since I was 22 weeks pregnant. I had it really bad this early with JT too so I’m convinced Baby 4 will also come out looking like a hairy little monkey. Tums are essential if you have any indigestion, acid reflux, or stomach issues while pregnant. You can also try drinking a glass of milk. I swear it helps!
2. Body Pillow or Pregnancy Pillow
If you are struggling at night to get comfortable then you NEED to get a pregnancy pillow or a body pillow. I use just a regular body pillow but I have plenty of friends who swear by (and still use) their pregnancy pillows. There’s just something about the pillow being wrapped around you that makes falling and staying asleep easier.
3. Tylenol PM
Hello, one of my best friends! Tylenol PM is safe to take during pregnancy and it helps if you are having trouble going to sleep. I usually take it if I’ve been struggling to fall asleep and stay asleep. It really helps and I wake up feeling rested. This is one of my essentials because the third trimester can be so exhausting. You need all the sleep you can get!
4. Stool Softeners
I have no idea if any other woman experiences this but I get constipation the last few weeks of pregnancy. I don’t know why because my water intake has never been higher. It happens every time. This time is worse because I have to take iron tablets and those are notorious for making people constipated. So I always recommend stool softeners because sometimes you don’t want to struggle while going to the bathroom.
5. Water. Lots of Water
So I’m not the biggest fan of water. I know how good it is for you but it’s just not something I enjoy. Well, this pregnancy I’ve been drinking water like it’s my job. I like to put a little bit of lemon or lime juice in it. I also like these drip packets that add flavoring and hydration (link below). I’m also really into Karma Water (link also below). Water is super important in keeping your body healthy and making sure you don’t get stretch marks.
6. Raspberry Leaf Tea
Some of you might be wondering what raspberry leaf tea is and I’m here to tell you that it might induce labor. I’ve had all of my children right around their due date so I start using this tea once my third trimester starts. I only drink a glass every once in a while, but once I hit 37 weeks I’ll drink it every other day. I would suggest waiting until you are at least 37 weeks before drinking it consistently. Does it really induce labor? I have no idea! I just like to think it quickens my labor.
If you want to know more about raspberry leaf tea before buying, here is a website with some facts: https://www.webmd.com/diet/red-raspberry-leaf-tea-health-benefits
7. Baby Books
I’m sure by now you have a baby book just for your little one to fill with all your memories! I love those books and just got one for Baby 4. While those books are cute, you need to make sure you also get some books about parenting. There’s a million ways to parent and there’s a book for every kind of parenting. Find ones that fit you and are perfect for your family.
If you want some suggestions on the best parenting and pregnancy books, check out my post: My Top 5 Parenting and Pregnancy Books
8. Stretch Mark Cream
There is plenty of stretch mark creams out there and they are all pretty good. I’ve used the Burt’s Bee’s belly butter before but this pregnancy I’ve been using Palmer’s stretch mark cream and I’m really enjoying it. But stretch marks are normal and if you have them (I do!) Please don’t be insecure about them. Your body grew a human! That’s amazing! Your body is a work of art.
Final Thoughts on My Third Trimester Essentials
I really hope you’ve found my post helpful and I hope these third-trimester essentials help you during your last few weeks of pregnancy. When the days start to feel never-ending and all the aches are just too much please remember this: Your body was meant to do this and in just a few weeks you’ll be holding your baby and it’ll all be worth it. Just give yourself some grace and relax on the couch all day! You’re growing a human and that’s a lot of work.
If there are any essentials on your list that I didn’t cover please let me know in the comments! We are all here to use our wisdom and pass it on to other pregnant mamas.

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Thanks for reading
Such a great list of resources. The tea is and was a fave of mine!
Oh I know! I love the tea! Definitely one of my favorites from this list.
I know someone who is in their third trimester and she always says that’s Tylenol PM is a must for her
Yes! It is the number one thing I tell people to try if they need help sleeping while pregnant.
Tylenol was definitely my go to because I was getting killer headaches throughout my pregnancy.
Same! The headaches were the worst!
I have a friend who is not having a good third trimester so going to send this her way. Thanks for sharing!