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One of my goals for 2024 was to go on a family vacation. We went to Williamsburg, Virginia with some of Luke’s family to visit his Grandmother and some more family. We had a great time making memories with our kids. The kids had a blast at Busch Gardens, Virginia Beach, and Colonial Williamsburg. I hope you enjoy this little recap of our vacation and I hope it gives you some fun ideas for when you visit Williamsburg.

Williamsburg, Virginia Pin

Check out my other goals for 2024 here: 2024 Goals Worksheet with Monthly Goals Planner (+FREE Printable)

Day One: Winery Tour

The first day we (Luke and I) got to Williamsburg we went on a little winery tour with some of Luke’s family. The first winery we went to was called New Kent Winery in New Kent, Virginia. This place was so beautiful and you could get wine or beer. You could also create your own flights with wine or beer choices. I chose three wines and one beer. The wines I tried were the Chardonnay, the White Merlot, and the Dry Petit Manseng. The beer I tried was a sour ale called Very Berry Tart. I really enjoyed the beer and the Dry Petit Manseng.

The second winery we went to was called Saude Creek Winery. I chose to do another flight and this time I got their Viognier, the Vidal Blanc, the Rose, and the Riesling. I really enjoyed the Riesling and the Vidal Blanc. At Saude Creek you can bring outdoor food so we had a lovely lunch spread thanks to Luke’s Aunt Monica. She always spoils us with the best food!

Overall we had a great first day! I really enjoyed trying all the wine and having a good time with Luke’s family. This was the only picture I took because the kids were using my phone to watch Netflix.

Wine Flight Pic

Day Two: Virginia Beach

We had the best weather for our beach day! The sun was shining, it was hot but not unbearable, and the waves were very chill. The water was so perfect each child braved the water and got to swim for a bit. The kids were buried in sand by Luke, we had some delicious sandwiches (Thanks Uncle Joe), and we got to play catch with the kids new football (Thanks Little Grandma). This was Vivian’s favorite part of the trip! She’s a fish in the water, just like her mother (me)!

Day Three: Busch Gardens Williamsburg

This was probably the older boys best day of the trip! We went at the perfect time because it is technically not summer break in Virginia until later in June. Also, going on a Wednesday really helped because it seemed like the lines were short. JT’s (and Luke’s) favorite ride was Apollo’s Chariot and he got a souvenir photo from his Aunt Mary from when they were on the ride together. Teddy’s favorite ride was the Loch Ness even though he wasn’t a fan of the loops. Vivian and Cooper loved the Elephant ride and rode on it at least three times.

Day Four: Resort Day

Most of Luke’s family went to the Jamestown settlement but we knew our kids needed a break. One of the reasons I love my family’s Disney vacations is because my mother schedules “Resort Days”. These are days, usually in the middle of our vacation, where we just relax at the resort. You can go to the pool, or visit another resort, or go shopping. There’s nothing on the schedule. That’s what we did. We hung out at the pool and let Cooper take a good nap while I read my book. I’m currently reading Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez.

If you have young children and you are going on vacation with long days, please plan for at least one resort day. It just makes everything a little bit easier.

Williamsburg, Virginia

Day Five: Colonial Williamsburg

This day was a hot one! We decided to go to Colonial Williamsburg later in the day and walk around for a little bit. We went to the visitors parking and took the bus over. If anyone is travelling with a stroller you can bring it on the bus. You just need to fold it up before you get on. We took the double stroller and it fit fine, even when the bust was packed on our way out.

The first thing we did was stop by the Governor’s Palace where the first governor of Williamsburg, Patrick Henry, and Thomas Jefferson lived for a time. We didn’t buy the passes to get into the museums because we figured the kids were too little to really understand and enjoy it. Next, we walked towards the courthouse and got to see the cannons go off at Noon. It was really cool and the kids thought it was awesome.

Then we walked through the town to the new shopping district. We had lunch at the Cheese Shop and we got to see the old campus of William and Mary College. Lastly, we walked through and old classroom and got to see how men went to school in the early stages of the United States. We also got to check out a map of the United States when they had just become a country. JT thought it was interesting that Illinois wasn’t even a settlement at that time.

If you want to see some photos from our trip check out my Instagram page:

Williamsburg With Busch Photo

Final Thoughts

Well, there’s my little recap of our great family vacation in Williamsburg, Virginia. We had a great time visiting with family, seeing local attractions, and just making memories with our kids. I’m so glad we went on a family vacation and I know our kids had a great time with everyone there. We can’t wait to go back soon!

If you like this post or found any of it interesting, please don’t forget to share it on your socials. Also, you can leave me a comment and let me know what you think. Have you been to Williamsburg, Virginia? What activities did you do? Let me know! I really appreciate all the love and support.

Thanks for reading,


Williamsburg Pin

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5 thoughts on “Our Great Family Vacation in Williamsburg, Virginia

  1. Looks like you and your family had a fun filled vacation in Virginia. I never vacation in VA, but went on a bus trip to a Lobsterfest and Casino a few years ago. Thanks for sharing your travel experiences.

  2. Amazing trip. I looks like something I could do with my little ones soon. Thank you for sharing

  3. I’ve never been to Colonial Williamsburg but it’s on my bucket list! It looks like you had an awesome vacation!

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