I’m officially 27 weeks pregnant!! For all you readers who don’t know which weeks are what trimesters, your third trimester starts at 28 weeks. Since I’m almost at the last trimester I figured I would post all the stuff that got me through my second trimester! Note: these items are in no particular order.

Before we get to my second trimester essentials, check out my first trimester essentials: https://tomorrowisamotherday.com/my-first-trimester-essentials/
1. Prenatal Vitamins
I’m going to be very honest with all of you right now, so please don’t judge, but this is the first pregnancy where I’m consistently taking my prenatal vitamins. With both of my boys I kept forgetting, I would have them maybe once or twice a week. Not good, I know! I’m very proud of myself for remembering and for taking them this time around! They are very essential to ensure your baby is getting all the nutrients it’ll need to grow big and strong.
Here are the Prenatal Vitamins I liked: https://amzn.to/3zWUI3j
2. Tums
Ugh, the acid reflux is strong with this one! When I was pregnant with JT I had the worst acid reflux and it’s the same this pregnancy. Tums (and milk) have really helped me settle my acid reflux, especially at night. I know some people don’t like the chalky flavor of Tums but they have Chewy Tums that are delicious! If it’s during the day and my reflux us acting up I tend to have a glass of milk. That will sometimes settle the acid. But if it’s bedtime I tend to take Tums because it’s fast-acting and it helps me go to sleep.
Here’s my favorite type of Tums: https://amzn.to/483XiBp
3. Belly Butter
Now that I’m in my second trimester my belly has POPPED! I love my big belly but with this belly comes itching and stretching. Tip from me to you: Don’t itch! Whenever my stomach starts to itch I lather on my Burt’s Bees Belly Butter. Itching creates more stretch marks and the belly butter really soothes the itch. Also, it’s great to keep the area moisturized during all the growing.
This is the belly butter I used: https://amzn.to/481yQQR
4. Heating Pad and Ice Pack
Recently I’ve been experiencing sciatica pain and let me tell you it’s been no joke. Randomly my left leg will seize up with pain while I’m mid-stride. I do go to the chiropractor for it but I also will use an ice pack and heating pad on the area. I know that with some women they experience some aches and pains as they progress through their second trimester. If you don’t have a heating pad you should definitely get one!
5. Body Pillow
I had the body pillow down as one of my essentials for my first trimester and it will probably be on my third trimester essentials list too. That’s how important my body pillow is to me. Again, you can totally buy the fancy pregnancy pillows and I’m sure they are amazing, but my Walmart body pillow that I’ve had since college does the job. It creates relief for my sciatica pain and I can lay on my side without being super uncomfortable!
Body Pillow: https://amzn.to/48j13TH

6. Water Bottle
It’s summertime and I’m pregnant so my water intake has been multiplied by 3. I like having a water bottle that’s just mine (sorry JT and Teddy but no backwash for me!). I also try to keep track of how much water I’m drinking to see if it has any effect on my mood or how I’m feeling. When I drink more water I’m more energized and less likely to feel sciatica pain. I force myself to drink half of my water bottle before I’ll start on my coffee. Also, it’s really nice to treat yourself with little things during your pregnancy. So go buy yourself a new water bottle!
The water bottle I like: https://amzn.to/4eXxmcS
7. Baby Book
I know what you’re thinking, “This isn’t something for Mama!” Yes that is true but once you get into your second trimester I suggest you get your baby book. This is because you want to write down as much as you can before the baby comes. That way when the baby does come you’ll have more time to fill out the rest of the information in the baby book. As of now I have the family tree, the sonogram pictures in, and a few of the first pages done. You can get baby books pretty much anywhere. I got ours from Target!
Here’s a cute one you might like: https://amzn.to/4dITNS7
8. Memory Foam Flip-Flops
Guys! I found these when I was pregnant with JT and I swear they will change your life! Every other year (or every time I’m pregnant) I get a new pair. They are so comfy and your feet are able to breathe. I actually just ordered new ones this week and I can not WAIT until they come in. I usually get black ones because they can go with a few outfits I have but you can get whatever ones you want.
Here’s the Amazon link for the flip flops: https://www.amazon.com/Under-Armour-Womens-Marbella-Flip-Flop/dp/B07PXV38VM/ref=sr_1_5?crid=13FYCWK2GTZW8&dchild=1&keywords=memory+foam+flip+flops+for+women&qid=1593024931&sprefix=memory+foam+flip+flop%2Caps%2C188&sr=8-5
Final Thoughts on My Second Trimester Essentials
I honestly can’t believe I’ll be in my third trimester next week! Where has the time gone?! I’m so excited to meet this little missy and I can’t wait to see what the next 12 weeks bring. That said, I hope you find this post helpful! Now it’s your turn for some feedback; let me know what has helped you through your pregnancies or your second trimester. I love hearing what other people found essential.
More Pregnancy Posts To Check Out
- Why I Make a Registry EVERY Pregnancy!
- Amazing Newborn Essentials from a Mother of Four (Pt. 1)
- My Third Trimester Essentials
- 5 Postpartum Essentials You Will Need
P.S. Don’t forget that sharing is caring. So please share this on Facebook, send it to your pregnant friends, or follow me on Pinterest so you can pin this too!
Thanks for reading,
This post was super helpful. I started taking Tums a few days ago and currently doing 2 a day. How often did you take them? Maybe it’s where I’m from but I’ve never heard of a baby book. I don’t even have baby pictures lol. I just exist. Definitely getting one for my first.