It’s been a minute since I have published a blog post about a challenge or a bucket list but I’m super excited for this one! I have wanted to post a Gratitude Challenge for almost four years now. This post has been sitting in my drafts collecting dust and I’m FINALLY finishing it! I love the idea of spending the next thirty days thinking (during the Thanksgiving season) of all the things in life you have to be grateful for.

Some of these challenges are easy to do and take very little effort. Others take some planning and dedication. Never feel like you HAVE to do all thirty things but challenge yourself to try. I can’t wait to see all your accomplishments this month!
Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
Marcel Proust
If you want to follow my journey on the Gratitude Challenge, follow me on Instagram. I will be trying to post about this challenge every day in November.
30-Day Gratitude Challenge
Day one: Start a journal and write one thing you are thankful for every night.
Day two: Take 10-15 minutes out of your day and think about all that you have in life. Think of all the things you get to do, the luxuries you have, and the people in your life who care about you.
Day three: Donate clothes and/or toys to Goodwill or any other organization.
Day four: Smile at everyone you see today. Not the half-smile/smirk, I mean a genuine smile.
Day five: Make your favorite meal for someone else. You can make it for your family or someone you know who needs some extra love.
Day six: Replace every complaint with a “Thanks”. Change your mindset for the day. Instead of complaining about something find the thanks in it. For example, if you complain about the sink full of dishes or the mess your child made, think “I’m so thankful my children were fully fed today” and “I’m thankful for these kids that enjoy playing in this house.”
Day seven: Compliment every person you see today!
Week One Done!
Day eight: Tell your loved ones the number one reason why you love them. Tell your children, tell your husband, tell your friends, or tell your family.
Day nine: Call your parents (or sibling) and ask them how they are doing AND actively listen. Ask them questions about how their life is going.
Day ten: Write a thank you note to someone special.
Day eleven: Thank a Veteran for their service. I planned this out so it falls on Veterans Day but you should always thank a Veteran when you see them. They sacrifice so much to keep us safe.
Day Twelve: Who inspires you the most in life? Thank them and tell them why they inspire you!
Day Thirteen: Buy someone in line’s food in a drive-thru.
Day Fourteen: Bring someone a coffee or a drink. Sometimes the simplest way to show you care is by giving someone something that gives them joy.
Day Fifteen: Acknowledge a book that inspires you to be a better person and recommend it to a friend.

Halfway Through The Gratitude Challenge!
Congratulations! You are halfway through the gratitude challenge! How are you feeling? Pat yourself on the back for making it this far.
Day Sixteen: Forgive someone who has wronged you. You don’t need to say it to their face. You can say out loud “I forgive this person for blah blah blah”.
Day Seventeen: Tell 5 people to “have a great day” to their face or via text.
Day Eighteen: Take a photo of what you are grateful for today. Just one simple thing that you are thankful for. Post it on social media and use the hashtag #gratitudechallenge2023
Day Nineteen: What’s your favorite Thanksgiving side that you enjoy? Offer to bring it to your Thanksgiving celebration.
Day Twenty: Volunteer to babysit for your friend’s/family’s children. This is a beautiful thing to do for someone because the children will remember spending time with you AND the parents will appreciate the alone time and thoughtfulness.
Day Twenty-One: Call your local food bank and see what they need and donate some of those things.
Week Three Finished!
Day Twenty-Two: Give flowers to someone you appreciate and write a little note to them. Making someone smile by giving them flowers is truly a great gift and a great way to show someone gratitude.
Day Twenty-Three: Volunteer to be the Designated Driver for an evening out. Show everyone that you are thankful for them and want them to be safe.
Day Twenty-Four: Donate money or your time to your favorite charity.
Day Twenty-Five: Do a chore around the house that is normally someone else’s chore. Don’t ask for praise! Just do it and move on to show that you appreciate the chore being done.
Day Twenty-Six: Leave 6 positive comments on social media. Whichever social media you prefer, leave some positive comments and let people feel the love today.
Day Twenty-Seven: Organize a playdate for your family and friends’ children. Watch the children enjoy the playtime and hang out with your people. Be grateful for the family you were born into and the family you created.
Day Twenty-Eight: Tip someone VERY generously. Sometimes we need to show gratitude for someone who works hard and served us or helped us.
Day Twenty-Nine: Write a positive review on something you love! It can be on Amazon or Goodreads. Just stay positive and say why you loved it.
Day Thirty: Look over your gratitude challenge journal you started on Day One, share some of the things you wrote in the comments, and share this post if you enjoyed this gratitude challenge!
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Final Thoughts on this Challenge
I’m BEYOND looking forward to doing this gratitude challenge! I think it is the perfect way to start to holiday season. Having and showing gratitude for one’s life and the people in it just makes your heart feel lighter. I hope you join me in this challenge. Lastly, this challenge can be done any time during the year, not just in November!
If you have a moment, please share this post on any social media platform. If there’s anything in this challenge that really sticks out to you or you want to leave some love, please let me know in the comments below. I love hearing from all of you and greatly appreciate any support!

Thanks for reading,
I love this challenge. You have put together so many wonderful things we can do. I’m definitely going to start this in November.
Awesome post loves the prompts. Love number 26 and 27 and four too. Thank you so much for putting this together.
I love this idea! And these prompts are all so great, this is the perfect thing going into Thanksgiving and the holiday season.
This is going to be great for thanksgiving. I feel like more people in the world need to understand gratitude.
Love this idea! Cannot wait to try it out this holiday season.
I love these type of challenges. I’ll try to keep up with it!
Love #6! It’s so easy to complain! What a great challenge!
So much fun! It’s been awhile since i did a 30 day challenge. Maybe i’ll start it off in the new year so i can drag my husband through it with me, haha. Thank you for sharing!
Nichole xx
Love this post – gratitude is the best attitude 🙂