I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 31! Can we make that a thing? Sure, why not?! I mean, Taylor Swift released an entire surprise album for her 31st birthday. So I can make a mini bucket list of things I’ve never done before I turn 31. Right?

This all came about last year when I saw a girl on Instagram doing 30 things before her 30th birthday. I thought, “Hey! Why not list things you’ve never done and try them for the blog?” I made myself a list of 30 things and I was SUPER excited and then I got pregnant.
Now, were we trying for a fourth child? No. Am I sorry I got pregnant? At the time it was rough but, after a day or two, I was beyond excited! Now, life with Cooper just makes sense. Our family needed that chill little man and we are so blessed to have him.
I will be documenting almost all of these on Instagram so if you want to keep up on my journey, follow me here: https://www.instagram.com/tomorrowisamotherdayblog/
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Now that my birthday is coming around the corner I have added more to my list and I’m ready for the next month. This list is full of BIG and little things I’ve never done that have piqued my interest. I will give more insight into some of them, and some are pretty explanatory. Here is a list of the 31 New Things to try before I turn 31:

My 31 New Things List
- Go on a picnic
- Create a vision board – This is something I’ve been very interested in doing. I have watched a few people do them but I’m excited to create my own!
- Dance in the rain – a cliche I know but I just keep thinking about how cool it would be to dance in the rain with my kids. They would love it!
- Go wine tasting – Luke and I are not big wine drinkers but I think that’s because we need to sample a few wines and find ones we like. We already booked a wine tasting and tour for the end of the month and I’m super excited!
- Temporarily dye my hair a “crazy” color – Now this one I might really regret because I want to do a bold color. Maybe pink or blue.
- Go to the “Jumbo”
- Watch a classic movie that I haven’t watched yet – This one is a little vague but I want you to suggest a classic movie and if I haven’t watched it, I will try! Let me know in the comments below a classic movie everyone should watch at least once in their life.
- Learn to drive a stick shift
- Go tech-free for 24 hours – This one might be rough but I’m going to try it! This includes TV and any use of my phone.
- Go to Springfield – I think it would be nice to visit Illinois’ capital at least once in my life.
- Shotgun a beer – Random I know but it’s something I have never done. So why not?!
- Try embroidery
- Finish reading a long classic novel– I am about 600 pages into Anna Karenina and I WILL finish it in the next month!
- Have a “Forgiveness Day” – I saw this online a few months ago and I thought it was a beautiful idea.
- Do a solo photoshoot
- Get a tattoo – I keep saying I’m going to do this but then I remember it will be on my body FOREVER!
- Contact an old friend to see how they are doing
- Go to a small business bookshop– I have shopped at big chain bookstores and I usually buy from Amazon but I really want to visit a local small business bookstore. You can look for small business bookstores at: https://bookshop.org/ You can buy the books online from the small business too!
- Go to a movie theatre and watch a movie by myself
- Declutter one whole room– my plan for this is to clean and declutter my bedroom. It’s a mess!
- Read the number one book from the NYT Bestseller list this month
- Watch the Best Picture from the Oscars– The movie is called Coda
- Watch Best Drama/Comedy from the Emmys– I will try to binge-watch Succession or Ted Lasso.
- Listen to Album of the Year from the Grammy’s– The album of the year was We Are by Jon Baptiste
- Try float therapy
- Write 4 things I’m grateful for every morning this month – I already have a super cute notepad that I will share on IG if you want to check it out!
- Write letters to each child – I want to start writing letters to my children. I read it in a book and it sounded so cute and I’m an extremely sentimental person.
- Try Thai food
- Watch a Western movie– I’m sorry to admit I have never watched a Western before. So, let’s see what I’ve been missing.
- Watch the scary movie Halloween
- Go vegan for a week – Going vegan would be really cool and I thought a week would be doable. The no cheese thing might be hard for me but this month is all about trying new things.

Final Thoughts
As you can tell by some of the things on my list I won’t be doing 31 new things every day. Some days I plan to try a few things at a time because some of the things on my list take longer than a day to do (see: go vegan for a week.) I’m starting this bucket list on Monday, October 17th which is exactly one month until I turn 31. I plan on keeping you guys updated on IG, FB, and my weekly newsletter. So please follow me on all platforms and sign up for my email list.
I’m beyond excited to try all these new things! It’s going to be a fun last month as a 30-year-old. Since I’m a planner, I will be taking the weekend to plan out when I will be doing most of these things. If there’s anything on my list you’re super excited to see let me know in the comments below. Also, what’s something new you want to try this year/ I love hearing from you guys!
Thanks for Reading
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Just turned 32! =) What great ideas. I love the idea of going vegan for a week. Challenging but healthy! Thanks for sharing.
Very interesting list! I think I will try something like this before my next birthday.
Ok I LOVE this list. Such a fun range of items to check off.
Let me start by saying great list!! And good luck on this list 🙂 and a couple comments…
1) Classic movie – like Goonies? Or 10 things I hate about you? Or like Casablanca?
2) just don’t learn stick the way I did – the driver of the car was drunk so I had to drive home and I kept stalling it because he made no sense in what he was saying bc he was drunk LOL
3) tech free – like no microwave, radio, and fridge too? I could do no tv but it would be hard since all the books I read are on my phone/kindle
4) make sure you see the Abraham Lincoln museum while in Springfield. I really liked it.
5) embroidery – mom loves it so you always have someone to ask about it if you have questions
6) tattoo- just think of a place that doesn’t change much like ankle, toe, wrist, hand, etc. but those places all hurt because mostly bone
7) letters to kids – I always wanted to do the letter to a kid for each birthday and then give the kid a binder or book of them all on 18th or 21st bday. Or like a note for every big point in life, first love, buying first car, moving into first home, first pet, engaged, married, first kid, loss of a loved one, etc
8) not a Halloween movie marathon? The new one came out today!
9) vegan for a week is hard only because I never stop to realize what all that includes – milk, creamer, cheese, eggs, jello (bc gelatin is from animals), ice cream, some fats can’t be included, some breads/pastas/pastries/cookies/doughnuts (bc of eggs), but really I like meat & seafood too much 🙁
This article gives me some great ideas to add to my bucket list 🙂
Great list!! Highly recommend the vision board. I always have so much fun making them 🙂
This is so FUN!!!! Your “bucket list” for 31 is a very well rounded list! I hope you do indeed accomplish all 31 things before you turn 31! Cheers!
What a fun idea! I love going on picnics, and we have one booked for a few weekends from now. We’ve never booked through them before, but I was intrigued by the concept: https://www.amazingco.me/us/experiences/mystery-picnics/dates They serve most major cities 🙂
This is inspirational! I have a 30 before 30 list for myself and this has really motivated me to get back to checking things off. Thanks!
Fun and great bucket list ideas. I really like the suggestion to have a “Forgiveness Day.” I think that’s a wonderful idea no matter what birthday is around the corner. Thanks for sharing and happy birthday!
You should definitely do a “crazy” hair color! I did mine in bright red about 2 years ago and loved it. It will stain your sheets tho, so use old ones!
I love this idea! So many new things to experience 🙂
I love this and I’m so excited to follow along with you throughout this journey! Congrats on 31 and trying 31 new things!
i never been to a movie by myself before I should try that