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Goodbye July! I can’t believe it’s already August, I swear time is flying by! This July 2024 was relaxing and filled with me achieving my monthly goals. I’m so proud of all I accomplished this month. In this blog post, I’ll be recapping my July 2024 goals, checking in on my garden, and sharing my August goals with you.

The reason why I share my goals and recap how my months go is because it holds me accountable. If I make goals and don’t share them I tend not to try as hard at accomplishing the goals I set. So thank you for reading these blog posts because you are holding me accountable for my monthly and yearly goals.

July 2024 Pin 1

Disclaimer: In the name of full transparency, please be aware that this blog post contains affiliate links and any purchases made through such links will result in a small commission for me (at no extra cost to you).

Quote of July 2024

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

Sean Patrick Flanery
July 2024 Quote

Books I Read in July 2024

July 2024 was not a bog reading month but I did read 11 books total. Of those 11 books, 4 were physical books, 5 were audiobooks, and 2 were E-Books on my Kindle. My top book of the month was The Violence by Delilah S. Dawson. This book was recommended at the beginning of the year and I wasn’t too keen on reading it. Despite not finding it appealing this book blew my mind just how good this book was. It is set after COVID where there’s a new virus called The Violence, which makes people black out and turn violent. The Violence is told from the POV of three women of the same family but different generations (a grandmother, a mother, and daughters). They are trying to survive this disease and find their way back to each other. You need to check it out! I’m glad I did.

All of these books are available on Amazon, just click the title to check it out:

Also, if you want to stay updated on my reading, check out my Goodreads and follow my profile:

July 2024 Blog Posts

My goal for July was to publish 4 blog posts and, sadly, I didn’t reach that goal. BUT I did publish 3 blog posts which is better than nothing. One thing about these monthly goals is that even if I don’t accomplish everything it is still ok. I will pick myself up and be happy for what I did accomplish. Another positive note, the blog post with the most views July 2024 was BLT Pasta Salad: An Amazing Side Dish Perfect for Summer!

Here are the blog posts I published this month:

  1. 5 Fantastic Things I’m Obsessed with This Summer!
  2. Slow Cooker Pulled Pork: A Delicious, Amazing, and Easy Recipe
  3. This Recap Post

Garden Check-in

I’m happy to say that my garden is THRIVING! Have I gotten any veggies or fruits yet from the garden? No, BUT everything is coming in and should be ready sometime soon. The one cucumber plant has taken over the garden and we are planning on making a structure for it to climb and grow on. My tomatoes are coming in and one of them is starting to turn red. It’s a very exciting time in our house and I’m so glad I planted this garden. Below are some pictures of my garden:

August Goals

This August should be a little bit more productive since the kids are going back to school on the 14th. My reading goals for August are to read 10 books and read at least 4 physical books. I’m trying to slowly dwindle my physical TBR pile. I’m also having a no-book buying ban, which means that I can’t buy a new book in August.

My blog goals are to publish a blog post EVERY Wednesday in the month of August! This will be quite an accomplishment for me because I tend to take a week off. Not this August! Another blog goal of mine is to get more email subscribers. I lost all my subscribers and I didn’t have a backup list. I have learned my lesson and I’m trying to get some subscribers back. If you already subscribed or want to subscribe, scroll to the bottom and find the sign-up for the weekly newsletter. It comes out every Friday.

Lastly, my final goal is to get back into the school schedule when it starts. We have been off schedule this summer and it’s going to take some time to get back into the swing of things! Come back in August to check out my weekly schedule to stay focused each day.

July 2024 Goals

Final Thoughts

July 2024 was a good month for me and I hope it was great for you! I love recapping my months and checking in with how my goals are going. I’m looking forward to accomplishing my goals in August and can’t wait to check back in with all of you. Also, I am looking forward to writing new blog posts that you will enjoy and find informative and helpful.

Now it’s your turn, in the comments below let me know what you did this July to get closer to accomplishing your goals. What was something you did in July to make your future self thankful? What are your goals for August? Are you as ready for the school year to start as I am? I love hearing from all of you!

Lastly, than you for all the love and support. If you liked this post, please share it on your socials. I really appreciate it.

Thanks for reading,


July 2024 Pin 3
July 2024 Goals Pin 4

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12 thoughts on “July 2024 Goals: It’s the Summer of Achieving Goals!

  1. Wow, it sounds like you had an incredibly productive July! I love how you balanced your reading goals with your gardening and blogging efforts. ‘The Violence’ seems like a gripping read; I’ll have to check it out

  2. This type of blog post is a great way to hold yourself accountable. Perhaps I should implement this in some form for myself. It’s nice to see that you give yourself grace when needed. I love seeing how your garden is doing! We have a raised bed garden which did fairly well this year. Nothing beats fresh produce!

    1. Agreed! I love sharing how my months go because sometimes I have great months and others are not too great. Either way I’m showing up and telling the truth. I love fresh produce. My kids are really into our garden.

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