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Father’s Day is right around the corner! I have a question for all of you: Do you give a gift to your husband/ father of your children? Normally, Luke and I exchange gifts on Mother’s and Father’s Day but this year with Cooper being born so close to Mother’s Day we agreed on no gifts. BUT that doesn’t mean I won’t give a little gift from the boys.

Every year I sit down with the older boys and ask them questions about Luke and then I write down their answers. I don’t lead them or try to make them answer a certain way. That would ruin the purpose. I just let their little minds think and come up with responses. Then on Father’s Day, we make breakfast for Luke (usually Easy Biscuits and Gravy) and he reads their responses like a cute little note. It’s one of my favorite traditions we do!

How Did This Start?

Well, I started filling out this activity with JT when he was about 2 and a half years old. It was a perfect age because he could answer the questions and I wrote down the answers. Now that we have 4 children (2 under the age of 2) I print off two pages and let JT write his answers while I write Ted’s. Sometimes they say the silliest things. For example, one year JT said that Luke’s job was to fix cars. He doesn’t but it’s something that JT saw Luke doing on his time off.

Feel free to save this photo/activity and print it off. I’d love to hear some of your children’s responses because kids really say the darndest things!

Final Thoughts On Father’s Day Activity

I love this Father’s Day activity so much because I like to save their pages and maybe one day I’ll give them to my children when they are older. It’s funny to read their responses and also to hear what they think Luke likes to do and say. I really hope you try this activity because it is such a cute and sweet little gift from your children to their Dad.

Thanks for Reading


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