Hello everyone! I can’t believe it but we made it to April! How was everyone’s Easter? We had our families over for Easter and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I do an Easter egg hunt for the kids and some of our siblings. It’s funny to watch everyone run around our backyard finding eggs. This is my first post of April and wanted you to see the “behind the scenes” of my life. Here’s a glimpse into a day in my life.
This post is an insight into my day. I thought what better way to show people how I manage my day with three young children in the house and still find time to do things for myself. Now I’m not perfect by any means and my house is relatively clean because I cleaned it for Easter (with my Mom’s help). So I didn’t spend a whole lot of time cleaning and I wanted the boys outside as much as possible before the rain came later this week. First, I’m going to give you an overview of my schedule for Vivian (6 months old), and then I’ll break down my day. I hope you enjoy a day in my life!
Disclaimer: In the name of full transparency, please be aware that this blog post contains affiliate links and any purchases made through such links will result in a small commission for me (at no extra cost for you).
Overview of Vivian’s Schedule
I’m the kind of parent who likes to have a schedule, especially with a baby. I find that a schedule really makes my life easier. I know about when Vivian is going to eat, sleep, and play. The schedule sample that I like to use is the EASY schedule.
What is the EASY schedule method? The EASY method is Eat, Activity, Sleep, and You routine. When Vivian wakes up for the day or from a nap she eats (Eat), then she stays awake for about an hour (Activity), then she takes a nap (Sleeps), and then I have some time for the boys or to get stuff done (You). This scheduling method works for me and my family. A great way to find out more information on different schedules is to check out Pinterest. If you do check out Pinterest, don’t forget to follow me! https://www.pinterest.com/freckledkel/_created/
A Day in my Life (Monday April 5th, 2021) Morning
7 am- Woke up, made my bed, opened my blinds, and brushed my teeth. I like to try to have a few minutes in the morning to myself before Vivian and the boys wake up. This day in particular I had enough time to make coffee AND read a few pages in my book.
(This is the book I’m currently reading! It is part of a three-book series and I recommend it for anyone who LOVES novels with drama and summer locations.)
7:30 am- Vivian woke up and I opened her blinds, changed her diaper, and fed her (about 10 minutes of breastfeeding).
7:45 am- Boys woke up and came into my room while I finished feeding Vivian.
8 am- We got out of my bed and I made breakfast. The boys chose waffles and I had a bagel with cream cheese. After breakfast, the boys got dressed, made their beds (I helped Ted), and brushed their teeth.
9 am- I put Vivian down for a nap and started cleaning the house while the boys played. This is the time of day where I usually throw a load of laundry in and try to knock out some of the things on my “To-Do” list.
10 am- Learning time! This is when I have one of the boys doing ABC Mouse on the laptop while the other boy does some learning activities with me. JT learns a “new” sound every day and another activity (either math or history). Teddy learns a new letter or does a math activity. Then we do a learning activity together (either music, art, science, or reading). This usually takes around an hour.
11 am- Vivian woke up from her nap so I fed her for about 20 minutes.
11:30 am- Lunchtime for the boys! Today we had some lunchmeat, cheese, crackers, and blueberries. After lunch, the boys played in their playroom for a bit.

12:30 pm- Vivian went down for a nap.
1 pm- Relaxer time! This is one of my favorite parts of the day. The boys lay down in their beds for about 20 minutes and read books or just relax. Then I let them play YouTube Kids on the iPad for about 30 minutes. This gives me a nice break in my day. Sometimes I do work for my blog and other times I watch some TV and have a snack.
2:30 pm- Vivian woke up from her nap and I fed her for 20 minutes. I told the boys we were going outside so they got their socks, shoes, and coats on.
3 pm- We all went outside for a walk around the block. I had Vivian in the carrier while JT and Ted rode their bikes. When we got back home I set Vivian in the exersaucer outside while the boys played in the yard. I watched them play and read the book that I’m currently reading.
This is the exersaucer we have for Vivian and she LOVES it!
4:30 pm- Vivian took a short nap. Sometimes she takes one if I don’t think she will make it until bedtime without being overtired.
5:30 pm- We came inside from playing and I woke Vivian up.
6 pm- Dinner for Vivian. She tried some pureed apples for the first time and she really liked them!
6:30 pm- Dad came home from work with dinner (Subway) and we all ate together as a family.
7 pm- Luke gave the boys a bath.
7:30 pm- This is when we start our bedtime routine. The boys brush their teeth and get their PJs on. Then they get into their beds and we say prayers. Sometimes if the boys are in the bed early we read a book.
8 pm- I fed Vivian for bed, got her into her PJs, laid her down in her crib, and watched The Rookie with Luke.
9 pm – Luke and I finished The Rookie and we went to our room. Luke took a shower and fell asleep. I read my book until 10 pm.

Final Thoughts on A Day in My Life
I really enjoyed writing down my schedule for you guys to read. It has given me some insight into where I spend most of my time. I feel like I should let you know that this is a pretty average day for us. We have breakfast around 8 am, we do school at 10 am, we eat lunch around 11:30 am, we do relaxers around 1 pm, and we have dinner usually around 6:30 pm. Some days are different because we have errands to run or someone has an appointment but I really try to keep things around these general times.
Thanks for reading
Thanks for sharing you daily routine. Seems like structure make one’s daily life easier and stress free.
I like your schedule! I too need a schedule with my two kids or I find things fall apart without it! Thanks for sharing!!
Enjoyed your article. I like having a daily routine, makes me feel organized and accomplished.
I’m glad you set aside time just for you. I think it’s important that all moms do that. You need some time to reset!
Wow. The EASY schedule is perfect for moms. I’m shocked I had never heard of it before today. Thanks for sharing.