Can you guys believe it?! We are half way through 2019. This blows my mind. It seems like yesterday I was launching this blog with my first post about my goals for 2019. We officially have less than six months until 2020! What have you been doing to ensure you accomplish your 2019 goals? Are you like me and you are killing it with one goal?
In this post I will be reviewing what my goals are and if I’m doing a good job at achieving them. When I wrote my goals post I broke my goals down into steps I will do to help me complete these goals. In this post, I also examine how I’m doing with each of these steps.
If you want to check out my first post about my goals or my post about my quarter check-in click these links: https://tomorrowisamotherday.com/2019/01/18/my-2019-goals/ https://tomorrowisamotherday.com/2019/04/03/goals-quarter-check-up/
Goal One: Read 20 Books
This goal is the one I’m very confident in succeeding. So far this year I have read 14 books. That means I have six months to read six books. So the chance of me completing this goal is very high. Here is the list of books I’ve read since my last check-in in April (I put my favorites in BOLD this time):
- Sisters First by Jenna Bush Hager and Barbra Bush (April)
- Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman (April)
- The Rumor by Elin Hilderbrand (April)
- Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan (April)
- The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins (May)
- The Shack by Wm. Paul Young (May)
- The Dinner by Herman Koch (June)
- Beautiful Day by Elin Hilderbrand (June)
Goal Two: Feel Healthier
So I’ve kind of slacked off a bit on this goal. I’m not very proud of myself for saying this but it’s true. Oh and I’ve totally felt a change when I stopped working on this goal. My top three things that I was doing to achieve this goals was to increase my water intake, wake up at the same time everyday, and be device free for 30 minutes before bed. I have not been consistent with all three of these. But nonetheless I am still here! The year is not over yet and I’m going to try to get back on track.
First, I’m going to get my water intake increased. I was doing so well the last check-in because I gave pop up for Lent. But once Lent was over I was back on the sauce! As a side effect of me drinking pop again, I started to feel nauseous at night. So, I’m going to try to give up pop on most days of the week. Then hopefully I can focus on drinking more water and feeling better.
Second, I’m going to turn back on my morning alarm and wake up every day at 7 AM. I swear to you I was up every morning for about two months at 7 AM and now I’m struggling to wake up that early again. But I will do it because I get so much more done while the boys are asleep and I just feel better for the rest of the day.
Check out my post about how waking up early changed my whole day: https://tomorrowisamotherday.com/2019/03/20/morning/
Lastly, I’m going to set up my downtime on my phone again for 11 PM. The downtime on the iPhones is this awesome tool you can use to basically make it so that some apps are working and you can only receive notifications from the ones you leave on. So for me, I have the phone, text messages, alarm and Snapchat that I can use after 11 PM. Then I can enjoy 30 minutes of no phone use before I go to sleep.
Goal Number Three: Making and Keeping My House Tidy
I’m sure you read my last goal and thought, “Well if she slacked off on that one she must have tried harder on this goal!” and you would think I would have. But I did not. I DID clean my entire basement right before Easter because we had it at our house, but within an hour of our Easter celebration starting the basement was destroyed. Mostly thanks to Teddy’s love of dumping full boxes of toys. So, it is a mess again and I am not very motivated to clean it up again. Although Teddy’s birthday party is coming up so I’ll have to.

The second part of this goal was to create and follow through on a cleaning schedule. I have started about four different schedules (thank you Pinterest) but I always fall short on the completing and maintaining the schedule. I think instead of starting a WHOLE new schedule I’ll just start adding one task a day. For example, on Monday the only thing I’ll need to do is wash the sheets in the house. On Tuesday I’ll just need to clean the bathroom. And I’ll make it one thing each day until I get to the next Monday. Then it’ll be “wash the sheets” AND tidy up the bedrooms until it becomes a schedule.
Here’s Your Chance
Guys, we officially have six months until 2020! What have you been doing to ensure you accomplish your 2019 goals? Did you even set yourself some goals? If you haven’t yet, take some time today and write three goals for these next six months. They can be about your health, your finances, your relationship, your mental health, or just something you want to change for the better. We are humans and we are constantly growing. With that, we must work on ourselves or we will be the exact same person we were last year.
Thanks for reading,
Eight books is 6 months is pretty good and about 6 more than I have gone through so far this year. Keep it up!
Thanks! That’s the one goal I feel like I’m doing really good!