Here are my goals for 2020!

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Hey there! Remember me? I’m sorry I’ve been MIA for the last few months and I could give you a million excuses but you don’t want to hear them. So instead I’m going to jump right into my goals for 2020! The reason why I call these “goals” and not “resolutions” is because I feel like a resolution is a firm decision to do or not do something (according to the dictionary) and a goal is an aim or a desired result. I like the sound of “goals” better. I’m a sucker for goals! I have daily goals (one of my goals for today was to write this post), I have weekly goals, and of course, I have monthly goals (post four blog posts this month!). If you want to see my last year’s goals click this link!

In this post, I’m not only going to tell you my goals but also the steps I will be taking to help me achieve my goals. If you only have goals and no true plan of attack you won’t know where to start. Also, your chance of achieving your goals is less likely. Here are my 2020 goals:

2020 Goals

Goal 1: Read 40 Books

Last year I completed my goal of reading 20 books! With that being said I’ve decided to try and double the number of books I’m going to read this year.  I’m hoping that since I crushed my last year’s goal that doubling it will not only be a challenge but it’s still within my reach. I’m really excited because my TBR (to be read) list is about 20 books long.

The steps I’m going to take to help me achieve my goal are bringing a book to pick up JT so I can squeeze in a few pages before his teacher lets him out, read before bed to unwind, and choosing to read instead of watching TV during nap time. This last one is going to be hard for me because I LOVE relaxing on the couch and watching all my recorded shows while the boys are napping.

Goal 2: Potty Train Teddy

This goal I’ve kind of already started. The problem is Teddy is a very stubborn little boy (he gets that from his dad! HA!) and it doesn’t seem to bother him much if he pees in his underwear. But I will stay positive because as far as I know most children do eventually get potty trained I just need to stay vigilant with him. My real goal is to be able to leave the house with underwear on him and not have an accident. That’s when I’ll know his fully trained.

The steps I will be taking to get him potty trained are step one: get him used to pull-ups when we are out of the house. I love the simplicity of pull-ups and how useful they are for potty training. They just slide right down and slide right up and if they do have an accident you just throw them away! Step two: have him wear underwear when we are in our house. This will help him feel the wetness of going to the bathroom in his underwear and hopefully, he will start to know when he needs to go to the potty. And step three: REWARDS! Right now if Teddy goes on the potty he gets marshmallows and time on the iPad. Ahhh the simples things. Once he starts to get the hang of it I will make a sticker chart. Every time he goes on the potty he will get a sticker. Once a line is filled up he can get a small reward. For example, candy, a small toy, iPad time, or McDonalds.

If you are thinking about potty training your child but not sure if they are ready here are the 8 Signs Your Toddler is Ready to be Potty Trained!

Goal 3: Get House Clean (and Keep it That Way)

“Why does this goal sound so familiar to me?” you may be asking yourself that. Well, that’s because it was one of my goals from last year. I goal I epically failed at! Recently I had a conversation with Luke about this and I said “I’m just lazy!” and Luke responded, “I don’t know why you say that. I’ve seen you do plenty of things that lazy people wouldn’t. It’s just that a clean house isn’t your priority.” Ugh and boy is he right! But this year I really want to focus on this goal more and hopefully CRUSH it!

One of the first things I did this year was to go through every room in my house and write down a “clean list” things that I haven’t done in a while (like clean my oven!) that should be down. I have about 36 things on my clean list. My goal is to check off at least three things a week. I should be done with my clean list around March. Then once those are done I’m going to make a clean schedule and actually follow it this time!! Lastly, I will keep it clean by tidying up the house after the boys go to bed and before I plop my butt on the couch to watch TV.


Goal 4: Be Present

What does that even mean? I know! I thought the same thing too. Basically, for me, it means focusing more on what I’m doing or what’s in front of me than what’s to come later. I’m the kind of person who likes to plan things and then when plans are happening I start planning other things to do. For example, I’ll be hanging out with friends and instead of enjoying that moment I’ll try to plan something with them for another time. This is a habit I really want to break.

How do I plan on achieving presentness? (is that a word?) First, I will try not to use my phone so much. Thank God for the weekly reports! I need them to give me a quick kick in the butt and tell me just how long I’ve been on my phone every day. Let me tell you it is a lot! Second, I will wake up every morning and meditate before doing anything else. Meditating is a great way to clear your mind and start your day with a relaxed feeling instead of crazed. Third, I will do “morning pages”. What are those? Well according to Julia Cameron they are “three pages of longhand, stream-of-consciousness morning writing, for your eyes only, done as quickly upon waking as possible. These pages do not have to be “good writing.” There is no wrong way to do Morning Pages. ” If you want to read more click here. Lastly, I will be doing yoga four times a week. I really enjoy yoga and find it very calming. I like focusing on the movements, my breath, and what I’m doing at the moment. All of these steps will help me achieve my goal of being present.

Final Thoughts

Now that you’ve heard my goals for this year I hope I’ve inspired you to take some time and write down your goals! I really like sharing with all of you my goals because it makes me accountable. So, let me know what your goals are for 2020! I’d love to hear what you want to accomplish.

As always thanks for reading!


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Fri Jan 18 , 2019
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