Wow! Does anyone else feel like this year is flying by? Maybe it’s because of the sloooooow dumpster fire that was last year. I can’t believe we are halfway through this year. Now, this post may be painful for me to write but I’m looking at the 2021 goals I made at the beginning of the year and seeing how much progress I have made! So let’s all take a deep breath and jump in!
First, if you want to check out my 2021 goals, click this link:
Disclaimer: In the name of full transparency, please be aware that this blog post contains affiliate links and any purchases made through such links will result in a small commission for me (at no extra cost for you).

Goal One: Read 52 Books
This is the one I’m very very confident I’m going to achieve! We are about 27 weeks into 2021 and I have read 27 books. This past week I’m going through a bit of a reading slump. The books I’m reading and have up next to read aren’t keeping me hooked. So I’m going to take a little break and hopefully find a book that entices me. In order to read the 52 books for my goal, I’m going to continue to read every night before bed. I find it’s a good way to unwind. I mean, as much as I love scrolling through Instagram until midnight I needed to find something more constructive with my bedtime routine.
Speaking of Instagram, if you want to follow me click the link:
Kindle Unlimited Reading Subscription Discounted 6M, 12M, 24M pre-paid plans – earn bountyGoal Two: Publish 26 Blog Posts
One of the reasons I’m glad I added a goal for my blog posts is because it’s holding me accountable. So far this year I have published 7 (not including this one) posts. This is not where I wanted to be. My goal was to be at 13 posts. Obviously, I’m behind on my blog posts. But 2021 is not over yet! One of the great things about the halfway check-in is that there are still 6 months left! Starting now I’m really going to buckle down and start cranking out blog posts.
How will I do that? Well, I plan on making time in my daily schedule to write. Normally when the kids are down for relaxers and naps I tend to watch Netflix/Hulu. Instead, I’m going to spend the first 30 minutes writing and working on my blog. This way every workday I’ll have time dedicated to my blog.
Goal Three: Start a Garden
Well, this goal is the one I’m going to have to put on the back burner and try again next year. If you follow me on Instagram you might already know that I had a “perfect” spot for my garden. There was a spot in our backyard by our little white shed. It had some rocks that we picked up, raked, and moved. Then Luke tried to till the area before we went to the store to buy plants and guess what we found? MORE ROCKS! There were too many rocks for us to remove so we gave up on that idea. My plan is to build a raised garden bed for next year.
Gardening EssentialsGoal Four: Run a 5K
Goal number 4 of 2021 is to run a 5K. This goal I feel like I’m on track to completing. There is a 5K in a town nearby in a few weeks. I’ve started a running program that has really helped me get on track. For example, today I ran two miles! Guys, I can’t even tell you the last time I ran two miles. I might be feeling it tomorrow but today I’m on a high!
Introducing: Core 10 by ReebokIn order to complete my goal of running a 5K, I’m going to finish the running program. Then I’m going to sign up and do the 5K nearby. Maybe I’ll do another 5K before the year is over! I really hope I continue running because I really like how it makes me feel.

Final Thoughts
Sometimes it’s hard holding the mirror up to yourself and taking a long hard look. But it has to be done. The main reason why I starting writing down my goals and sharing them with you all is to hold myself accountable. There are some goals that I feel like I’m doing really well and others that I definitely need to try harder to achieve. I’m pretty confident I will achieve at least 3 of my 4 goals for 2021.
What about you? Have you checked in with your 2021 goals? How are you doing? Are there some goals that you have completed? Are there some that you need to try harder to achieve? Let me know in the comments below!
Thanks for reading!
Wow, congrats on completing your goals you set for yourself. I’ve always set goals or made a commitment to do something. As far as blogging goes, I set a goal to update all my old blog posts, started a new book review segment and concentrated on building a bigger following on Instagram for 2021. I continue to exercise daily and we follow a much better diet, with less dairy and red meat. Great job and keep setting goals for yourself!
Wow you have some great goals! Keep going, you can do it!! I love this post as it is such a great reminder on how setting goals can keep you motivated and on track. I guess I really need to define my goals, write them down, work on them, and check-in on them often! Thanks for an awesome post!
I loved how your first goal was to read more books. This post of yours gave me so many ideas as to how II can make my goals. Thanks for sharing this.
Great goals. Realistic and will make you improve:)
That’s so great that you’re on track to read 52 books this year! I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump lately, but my goal for the year was 50. And you can totally catch up on your blog posting goal to make it happen!
My goals are almost complete for 2021
3 out of 4 is great achievement! I didn’t write down any goals for 2021, but I love this post idea to write a post about it at the beginning of the year and do a check-in later.
Awesome job on your goals. I’m still working on some, but have achieved some.
Great goals, I’m with you on reading same target and same total so far (ish). Good luck with the running
I haven’t even thought about any goals that I want to achieve in 2021! This post is encouraging me and inspiring me to do so! Great just on getting them worked on! That’s awesome!!!
Public goals are a great way to be accountable! Great job for working hard at them and sharing your progress with us! You got this!