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Wait you wake up before your kids? You can’t be serious! Do you even enjoy sleep? That was my first reaction whenever I heard a mom tell me that they choose to wake up before their children. Well, guys I’ve been waking up before the boys almost every morning since January and I’m never going back.

My mornings, before I made this change, went from 0 to 100 real quick. Most mornings I was jumped on or yelled at by my three year old. That was my alarm clock and guys, it sucked. I always felt like once I opened my eyes I was already behind the ball. The boys were hungry and they did not like waiting.

Then I had an epiphany, maybe those moms I deemed “crazy” had actually found out the secret to a relaxing morning? Since I decided 2019 was going to be my year of change I concluded it was time to take charge of my mornings. “Just wake up before the boys every morning for one month! How bad could it be?” So I set my alarm for 7 am (I’m very lucky because my boys wake up between 7:30 am and 8 am) and made a morning routine.

What is My Morning Routine?

Before we start let’s cover what a morning routine is: a morning routine is a list of five to eight things that you do every morning. Most people have a routine without even thinking about it. But since I’m trying to better myself I decided to add things to my normal routine that will help me reach my goals for this year.

If you want to check out my 2019 goals or need a refresher on what they are, click the link here:

My Morning Routine:

  • Wake up at 7am
  • Open blinds and make my bed
  • Yoga/meditation/workout
  • Wash my face
  • Get Dressed
  • Drink water
  • Make coffee and breakfast

Now some days I feel very lazy and snooze on my alarm. Those days are usually my loooooong days. Days where I just can’t seem to get on top of my to-do lists. Days where my patience with the boys is at an all-time low. So I try to wake up with my alarm at 7am because I’m just a better mom when I do.

Feel free to print this off and make it your own!

What I’ve Concluded

This is where I get most of my work done. This use to be my Grandma’s desk.

Multiple studies have shown that waking up at the same time every day is better for your mental health. As some of you may know, one of my 2019 Goals is to just feel better. That being said, waking up almost every day at 7 am has made me feel a lot better. It’s crazy how little changes can make the most impact. Another benefit I’ve found is that when I do wake up before the boys I have time to think about my day and really have some peace in the morning. Also, I can spend some time on myself. That’s why I’ll try to do some yoga, meditation, or just stretches if I’m short on time. All of these things have made me a better mother.

So I encourage you to wake up before your children and see if it changes your day. Or even if you’re a working mom, maybe not sleeping in on your days off. Try waking up at the same time everyday and see if that changes your morning mood. Waking up before my boys every morning has made me so much calmer and relaxed. I hope you find some time in the morning to make your days calmer too.


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16 thoughts on “Why My Mornings Don’t Suck Anymore!

  1. I’ve been meaning to do this for myself even though I’m not a mom. Your blogs have inspired me to make my life more organized and controlled. Thanks for the share!!

    1. Thanks! I’m glad you enjoy it! And it’s true this isn’t just for moms! Everyone should wake up at the same time ever day because it’s better for our mental health

  2. I completely agree! When my kids were little I woke up early, got stuff done or (my favorite thing to do) just relax all alone and drink my coffee. It relaxed me and helped start my day. Great blog!

  3. Oh, my gosh! You are so lucky your kids sleep that late! I’m going to try to adjust their schedules so I can implement this. I so relate to the 0-100 . . . Every morning! Great advice!

  4. I get up before my kids and they are teenagers. I have been doing it for awhile though. A few years at least. I’m not a morning person but I have learned that mornings seem to make me the most productive. I do the same things as you. Some yoga to wake me up really helps me to get my day started. And the peace and quiet in the mornings is such a huge mental health boost.

  5. I have one of the same goals for 2019, just feeling better in general! I have always struggled with waking up at the same time every day, I need to work on that! Thanks for the cute printable, working on my morning routine now. 🙂

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