Every year I am so full of hope for the summer. I LOVE boating and swimming! I love going to different places in the summer. It’s so much easier to plan things than in winter because the snow tends to ruin plans. Although I’m not a huge fan of the heat (it’s the Irish in me that likes it cold and damp) my boys love being outside. So instead of just doing the same old stuff that we normally do, I chose to make a bucket list this year.
In my bucket list, you will see things we normally do every year (go to the Zoo, swim, and boating) but you will also see things that I want to try (paddle boarding). Since this is the year of me trying new things and saying yes I decided to put a good amount of ideas on there to push myself. Some of the things on my list are child-friendly but then there are other things that don’t include my children. Also, I’m hoping to complete this WHOLE list by Labor Day. And yes I will keep you updated!
Here is the link to my 2019 goals post if you need a refresher: https://tomorrowisamotherday.com/2019/01/18/my-2019-goals/
Here’s my Summer Bucket List:

Feel free to print off my bucket list and use it! Also please tell me what are some things on your bucket list for the summer! I would love to hear all about your idea of the perfect summer bucket list. What is your number one summer activity?
Thanks for Reading! I really hope you have an amazing summer! Kel
P.S. Don’t forget sharing is caring! Please share this to all your friends!
Can’t wait to help you get some of that stuff checked off!
We already got one done! Only 24 more things! Haha